Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)


The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardised computer adaptive test required as part of the admissions process for many MBA programmes.

What Cambridge Professional Trainers does for you

Preparation for the GMAT demands a balanced and pragmatic approach. We use the different parts of the test as a diagnostic, an opportunity to learn and level up, and a target to be attained. Every candidate starts from a different point, and will have a different set of needs and aspirations.

We will clearly prioritise areas for development and practice, and map out the most efficient route to your desired result within the timetable you set, wherever possible.

  • The GMAT is designed to measure skills in English, mathematics, and analytical writing.

    The test is in four sections. Each section is scored separately, but a cumulative score is also provided for the quantitative and verbal reasoning parts of the test.

  • Integrated Reasoning (30 minutes, 12 questions)

    The Integrated Reasoning section tests a candidate’s ability to evaluation data from multiple sources and in multiple formats.

    Each of the 12 questions can contain multiple sub-questions.

    Quantitative Reasoning (62 minutes, 31 questions)

    The Quantitative Reasoning section tests a candidate’s ability to reason quantitatively, solve quantitative problems, interpret graphic data, and analyse and use information given in a problem.

    All questions are multiple choice, with 5 possible answers.

    Verbal Reasoning (65 minutes, 35 questions)

    Questions test reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction.

    All questions are multiple choice, with 5 possible answers.

    Analytical Writing (30 minutes)

    The Analytical Writing Assessment consists of a single task, inviting candidates to analyse and critique an argument.